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Nalu Market

Bittersweet Paprika 75g Chiquilin

Regular price $3.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.99 USD
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Introduced in Spain by Columbus, Paprika is a very rich condiment in nutrients and antioxidants which have numerous benefits such as stimulating the appetite, facilitating digestion and regulating cholesterol. The paprika from Chiquilín is the result of drying and grinding the peppers, from the grinding of ripe fruits healthy and clean of pepper C. Annum, so it will provide very special nuances of flavor and color to your kitchen, either as a condiment or as decoration for some dishes.
Pimentón agridulce 100% natural product.

Paprika is an ingredient which if exposed to high temperatures becomes a dark brown color and develops a bitter taste. Therefore, it is necessary to lower the temperature or remove the frying pan from the heat when the paprika is added thus maintaining its natural color and its potent flavor.

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